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Version: 5.15.0


BackendUserLeaderboardByScoreReturnObject GetLeaderboardByScore(string leaderboardUuid, int score);
BackendUserLeaderboardByScoreReturnObject GetLeaderboardByScore(string leaderboardUuid, long score);


leaderboardUuidstringuuid of the ranking to look up
scoreint/longScore to look up

The leaderboardUuid value can be checked using the following methods:


Among the rank holders registered in the ranking, looks up the rank holder with the score value and rank holders above and below that score using a uuid value.

  • If there are multiple users with the looked-up score, all of them will be looked up.
  • Even if there are multiple users above and below the score, only one user above and below will be looked up.
  • This method cannot be called via SendQueue.


namespace BackEnd.Leaderboard
public class UserLeaderboardItem
public string gamerInDate;
public string nickname = string.Empty;
public string score;
public string index;
public string rank;
public string extraData = string.Empty;
public string extraName = string.Empty;

public class BackendUserLeaderboardByScoreReturnObject : BackendUserLeaderboardReturnObject
public long GetTotalCount();
public List<UserLeaderboardItem> GetUserLeaderboardList();
public List<UserLeaderboardItem> GetPreviousUserLeaderboardList();
public List<UserLeaderboardItem> GetNextUserLeaderboardList();



var score = 0; //Score to look up
BackEnd.Leaderboard.BackendUserLeaderboardByScoreReturnObject bro = Backend.Leaderboard.User.GetLeaderboardByScore("01920445-a435-759e-bc3b-048a1e7a87aa", 5);


// User with higher rank than the searched score
foreach(BackEnd.Leaderboard.UserLeaderboardItem item in bro.GetNextUserLeaderboardList())
Debug.Log($"Rank {item.rank} : {item.nickname}");

foreach(BackEnd.Leaderboard.UserLeaderboardItem item in bro.GetUserLeaderboardList())
Debug.Log($"Rank {item.rank} : {item.nickname}");

// User with lower rank than the searched score
foreach(BackEnd.Leaderboard.UserLeaderboardItem item in bro.GetPreviousUserLeaderboardList())
Debug.Log($"Rank {item.rank} : {item.nickname}");


var score = 0; //Score to look up
BackEnd.Leaderboard.User.GetLeaderboardByScore("leaderboardUuid", score, bro=> {

// User with higher rank than the searched score
foreach(BackEnd.Leaderboard.UserLeaderboardItem item in bro.GetNextUserLeaderboardList())
Debug.Log($"Rank {item.rank} : {item.nickname}");

foreach(BackEnd.Leaderboard.UserLeaderboardItem item in bro.GetUserLeaderboardList())
Debug.Log($"Rank {item.rank} : {item.nickname}");

// User with lower rank than the searched score
foreach(BackEnd.Leaderboard.UserLeaderboardItem item in bro.GetPreviousUserLeaderboardList())
Debug.Log($"Rank {item.rank} : {item.nickname}");


Success cases

When the lookup is successful
statusCode : 200
message : Success
returnValue : refer to GetReturnValuetoJSON

When the lookup is successful but the user of the ranking is not registered
statusCode : 200
message : Success
returnValue : {"rows":[],"previousRank":{"NULL":true},"nextRank":{"NULL":true},"totalCount":0}

When the lookup is successful but there is no user with that score
statusCode : 200
message : Success
returnValue : refer to GetReturnValuetoJSON

Error cases

When the uuid is null or string.Empty
statusCode : 400
errorCode : ValidationException
message : leaderboardUuid is null or empty

When there is an attempt to look up with a non-existent uuid
StatusCode : 404
ErrorCode : NotFoundException
Message : leaderboard not found, leaderboard cannot be found


When the user with the score and users above and below that score all exist

"rows": [
"gamerInDate": "2024-05-08T07:17:20.455Z",
"nickname": "match5",
"rank": 5,
"index": 4,
"score": "5"
"previousRank": [
"gamerInDate": "2024-05-08T07:17:20.928Z",
"nickname": "match6",
"rank": 4,
"index": 3,
"score": "6"
"nextRank": [
"gamerInDate": "2024-05-08T07:17:19.951Z",
"nickname": "match4",
"rank": 6,
"index": 5,
"score": "4"
"totalCount": 10

When there are no users with the score but there is a user with a higher score

"rows": [],
"previousRank": [
"gamerInDate": "2024-05-08T07:17:17.625Z",
"nickname": "match0",
"rank": 10,
"index": 9,
"score": "0"
"nextRank": {
"NULL": true
"totalCount": 10

When there are no users with the score but there is a user with a lower score

"rows": [],
"previousRank": {
"NULL": true
"nextRank": [
"gamerInDate": "2024-05-08T07:17:22.518Z",
"nickname": "match9",
"rank": 1,
"index": 0,
"score": "9"
"totalCount": 10