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Version: 5.15.0

Differences with rankings

Grouped leaderboard usage status

For the newly added leaderboard, leaderboards can be updated according to the group.

Param param = new Param();
param.Add("score", i);
param.Add("extraData", "additional info");

Backend.Leaderboard.User.UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard("leaderboard uuid", "table name", "row inDate to be updated", param);

However, in the case of the URank method, even if a user belongs to a group, when the leaderboard update function is called, it will be updated in the NULL group's leaderboard.

  • Leaderboard that is not grouped can be registered without issues.
Param param = new Param();
param.Add("score", i);
param.Add("extraData", "additional info");

Backend.URank.User.UpdateUserScore("ranking uuid", "table name", "inDate of the row to update", param);

Therefore, if you want to use the leaderboard for the group you belong to, you need to switch to the Leaderboard method.

  • Please note that if a user in grouped leaderboard A uses URank's ranking update and Leaderboard's leaderboard update methods, the ranking may be registered to both the leaderboards of the NULL group and group A.

Unmarshalled return value

The newly added leaderboard provides an unmarshalled return value.


"rows": [
"gamerInDate": "2024-08-20T05:58:07.391Z",
"nickname": "user99",
"rank": 1,
"index": 0,
"score": "99"
// When additional field exists
"Additional field column name": "Data"
"totalCount": 99

The existing URank provides a return value with a data type.


"rows": [
// Gamer inDate of the user
"gamerInDate": {
"S": "2021-03-11T06:38:46.817Z"
// User's nickname
"nickname": {
"S": "Nicknames"
// Additional field
// Name and value of the column are displayed.
// 'extraScore' if the column name of the additional field is 'extraScore'
"extraScore": {
"N": "4577"
// Score
// Column names are unified as 'score'.
// It will be called 'score' even if the column name of the ranking field is 'power.'
"score": {
"N": "199"
// offset
"index": {
"N": 0
// User's ranking
"rank": {
"N": 1
// and etc...
// Total number of rank holders registered in the ranking

Changes in error cases

For the newly added leaderboard, the error cases have been changed to details related to the leaderboard.

When the uuid is null or string.Empty
statusCode : 400
errorCode : ValidationException
message : leaderboardUuid is null or string.Empty

When there is an attempt to look up with a non-existent uuid
StatusCode : 404
ErrorCode : NotFoundException
Message : leaderboard not found, leaderboard cannot be found

For the existing URank, the error messages were as follows:

When the uuid is null or string.Empty
statusCode : 400
errorCode : ValidationException
message : rankUuid is null or empty

When the uuid does not exist
statusCode : 404
errorCode : NotFoundException
message : rank not found, rank cannot be found