Google Play Store(Old Console)
Enter Google Play information
The following information is required to provide the receipt verification feature function and statistics related to revenue on the dashboard.
You can use BACKND Console's receipt verification function and revenue-related statistics on the dashboard after entering the information.
This information can be obtained from Google Play Console.
- JWT(JSON web token) JSON file
- Report storage bucket URL
Get the JWT(JSON web token) JSON file
1. Create a Google API access project
2. Create a Google service account and download JWT
Check that it is connected to the project, and create a service account for the JWT.
Access the Google API console and create a service account.
Create a private key JSON file for the service account to download the JSON file automatically.
Upload the downloaded JSON file to BACKND Console → Server Settings → Store Information → Google Play → JWT JSON File.
3. Grant access to the service account
Grant(or modify) access to the service account created above.
Select All for View financial data and save.
Report storage bucket URL
Copy the pubsite_prod_rev_xxxxxxxxxxxx
part and register it in BACKND Console → Server Settings → Store Information → Google Play → Report Storage Bucket URL.
At this time, it must be copied without
If the bucket URL does not exist, you can check the URL after generating a payment report through an actual payment.