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User Management - Search/Creation/Deletion

From BACKND Console's User Management, you can find or look up information of registered users.

  • If there is a space before and after the registered user ID, it may be displayed as the same user as spaces are removed in the BACKND console.
  • If the user's nickname does not exist, '-' is displayed.
  • If the user's country is not set, '-' is displayed.
  • Character tab is added depending on whether or not the multicharacter function is enabled.

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Accumulated payment

  • You can immediately check the accumulated payment on the user list.
  • Sorting by accumulated payment is available, allowing you to check high-ranking users at a glance.
  • Accumulated payments are only displayed when saved via SDK 5.12.2 or later.

You can check the content by selecting the currency.

Search users (multicharacter disabled)

Search is divided into basic search and advanced search.

You can search for users by user number, user ID, or nickname.

If you enter a word in the entry field and close it with apostrophes ('), all user information containing that word will be searched.

You can click and use Advanced Search to search for users via registration type, connected device, account status, country, registration date, etc.

  • Registration type: Searchable by custom, Google, Apple, or Facebook depending on the method of membership registration
  • Account status: Searchable by Normal, Blocked, Applied for Withdrawal, or Completed Withdrawal
  • Country: Searchable by user country code
  • Connected OS: Can select 'All' or versions for each OS (The default is All, and versions with two or more decimal places are included in the higher version)
  • Connected device: Searchable by device name (model name) of the logged-in user
  • Registration date: You must enter both the start and end date to search (Blank = entire period)
  • Last login date: You must enter both the start and end date to search (Blank = entire period)
  • Notes: You can search user notes modified via the console

The keywords entered in the Notes section display all results that contain the keywords.

Create users (multicharacter disabled)

You can create a user account by clicking the Create game user button on the upper section of the page.

  • User ID cannot be duplicated.
  • The user's country cannot be changed in the console but can be changed through the BACKND SDK.

Delete users (multicharacter disabled)

You can delete a game user by selecting the user and pressing the Delete button on the upper section of the page. You can also delete all values of the user kept in Game Information Management as well as all their ranking information.

  • Upon deletion, all information of the game user will be deleted immediately.
  • 'Select All' is applied per page, and up to 100 users can be deleted in a batch at once.
  • Deleted data cannot be recovered as per the policy.
  • Upon choosing 'Delete' for 'User Data Deletion', all of the user's information and data table information inserted by the user are deleted.
  • Upon choosing 'Delete' for 'Ranking Deletion', the user's ranking information updated in the rankings (visible rank) is deleted from the list and will no longer be displayed in the rankings.

Search users (multicharacter enabled)

Search is divided into basic search and advanced search.

Basic search

You can search for users by user number or user ID.

If you enter a word in the entry field and close it with apostrophes ('), all user information containing that word will be searched.

Advanced search

You can use Advanced Search to search a user by type, status, connected OS, connected device, creation date, and the last login date.

  • Type: Searchable by custom, Google, Apple, or Facebook depending on the method of member registration
  • Status: Searchable by Normal, Blocked, Applied for Withdrawal, or Completed Withdrawal
  • Connected OS: Can select 'All' or versions for each OS (The default is All, and versions with two or more decimal places are included in the higher version)
  • Connected device: Searchable by device name (model name) of the logged-in user
  • Creation date: You must enter both the start and end date to search (Blank = entire period)
  • Last login date: You must enter both the start and end date to search (Blank = entire period)

Create users (multicharacter enabled)

  • We have identified the need for various improvements to the multi-character feature and have currently restricted the creation of new multi-character projects. Projects already using the multi-character feature can continue to do so.
  • If you wish to switch from the multi-character feature to a standard project, please contact us at
  • We are currently making improvements to ensure a more convenient and stable experience. We appreciate your kind understanding.

You can create a user account by clicking the Create Users button on the upper section of the page.

  • User ID cannot be duplicated.

Delete users (multicharacter enabled)

You can delete a game user by selecting the user and pressing the Delete button on the upper section of the page. Data and ranking information of all characters bound to the user are deleted.

  • Upon deletion, all information of the game user will be deleted immediately.
  • 'Select All' is applied per page, and up to 100 users can be deleted in a batch at once.
  • Deleted data cannot be recovered as per the policy.

Search characters (multicharacter enabled)

Search is divided into basic search and advanced search.

Basic search

You can search a character using the character number, nickname, and user number.

If you enter a word in the entry field and close it with apostrophes ('), all character information containing that word will be searched.

Advanced search

You can use Advanced Search to search a character by type, connected device, status, country, creation date, etc.

  • Registration type: Searchable by custom, Google, Apple, or Facebook depending on the method of membership registration
  • Account status: Searchable by Normal, Blocked, Applied for Withdrawal, or Completed Withdrawal
  • Country: Searchable by country code
  • Connected OS: Can select 'All' or versions for each OS (The default is All, and versions with two or more decimal places are included in the higher version)
  • Connected device: Searchable by device name (model name) of the logged-in character
  • Registration date: You must enter both the start and end date to search (Blank = entire period)
  • Last login date: You must enter both the start and end date to search (Blank = entire period)
  • Notes: You can search character notes modified via the console

Create characters (multicharacter enabled)

When the multicharacter function is enabled, you can create a character account by clicking the Create Character button on the upper section of the page.

  • Nicknames cannot be duplicated.

Delete characters (multicharacter enabled)

When the multicharacter function is enabled, you can delete a character by selecting the character and clicking the Delete button on the upper section of the page. You can also delete all values of the character kept in Game Information Management as well as all their ranking information.

  • Upon deletion, all information of the character will be deleted immediately.
  • 'Select All' is applied per page, and up to 100 characters can be deleted in a batch at once.
  • Deleted data cannot be recovered as per the policy.
  • Upon choosing 'Delete' for 'Character Data Deletion', all of the character's information and data table information inserted by the character are deleted.
  • Upon choosing 'Delete' for 'Ranking Deletion', the character's ranking information updated in the rankings (visible rank) is deleted from the list and will no longer be displayed in the rankings.

If abnormal member information was created before the live release

You cannot arbitrarily add/delete member information to/from the client's project in BACKND.
If you have submitted a request for inspection to Google Play Store or Apple App Store for a game's release, their staff may attempt to register as a member while testing your app, and new users may be added at this time.

Google Play Store

  • Google Play Store may attempt a GPGS login during the inspection process, and a user with the email may be added in this case.
  • Google Play Store may attempt a custom login during the inspection process, and a user whose ID consists of a meaningless string may be added in this case.

Apple App Store

  • Apple App Store may attempt a custom login during the inspection process, and a user whose ID consists of a meaningless string may be added in this case.