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Push Message Registration for Android

imgovides a function for Android (Google Play Store, ONE store) to receive push messages from BACKND Console.

  • Multilingual support
    • If the user's country code is present and a push message is registered in the console for that country → Sends the push message registered for that country.
    • If the user's country code is not present, or if a push message is not registered for the country in the console → Sends the default push message.

Register a project to receive push messages

Package name settings

First, the packagename for the app is needed for both the Firebase push message and BACKND Console.

Create a Firebase project

BACKND provides a push message service using Firebase's FCM. To use the BACKND push message service, you must first register your project with Firebase.

Android settings in Firebase project

After the project is created, set the Android environment within the project.

Register google-service file to Unity

After the Android configuration is complete, enter Android settings.

Download google-service.json and add it to Assets in the Unity project. At this point, the file name must be fixed to google-service.

Cloud messaging settings

If you go to the Cloud Messaging tab in the settings page of the created project, Firebase the Cloud Messaging API (V1) field will be present.
Click the Manage Service Account button in the field.

Afterward, you will go to the Google Cloud Platform project.
Click the automatically created service account.

Go to the Key tab.
Click the Add Key button.

Select the JSON format.

Once selection is complete, a JSON file will automatically be downloaded.
Upload the file to the BACKND Console.


Download UnitySDK provided by Firebase. Import FirebaseMessaging.unitypackage from the downloaded SDK into your Unity project.