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Membership withdrawal web URL link for Facebook login users


Backend.BMember.AuthorizeFederation("", FederationType.FaceBook);

In BACKND, when a user who signed in with Facebook using the method above tries to withdraw membership via the membership withdrawal web URL, the following configuration is required.

  1. BACKND Console > Authentication Information > Facebook Authentication Information - Enter Facebook App ID
  2. Facebook Developer > Allowed JavaScript SDK domain > Add
How to implement Facebook login

1. Enter Facebook App ID

The Facebook App ID must be entered for login in BACKND Console > Authentication Information > Facebook Authentication Information.

2. Set allowed domains in JavaScript SDK

1) Go to Facebook Developer Page, log in, and enter the linked project
2) From the side menu on the left, go to Product > Facebook Login > Settings tab
3) Go to Client OAuth Settings > JavaScript SDK, then enter the value in the allowed domain

If a domain is not set

If a domain is not entered, the following error may occur in the web withdrawal link.