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Ranking Lookup

Looks up all ranking lists saved in the server.

In the case of joint ranks, gamer_ids (user number/when using the multicharacter function, the character number) are sorted lexicographically according to the set rank-sorting criteria (ascending/descending order).

When looking up the rankings, you can check the following fields:

  • Names of tables and columns used for the ranking
  • Column names used for additional fields (User rankings only)
  • Ranking operation period
  • Ranking UUID (Key value)

When looking up rankings, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Search for users with the user number (when using the multicharacter function, the character number) or use the nickname to search whether those users exist in the ranking
  • Download the list of users/guilds listed in the ranking as a CSV file
  • Remove the rank of users/guilds listed in the ranking
  • Modify the score of users/guilds listed in the ranking

  • You can modify the score by clicking the icon next to the score of the user/guild item.

Previous rankings

Click the Previous Rankings button to download a CSV file that contains the ranks of previous rankings that were reset.

The dates displayed are the starting date of the ranking and the day before the ranking calculation, and the actual collection period is between the start of the ranking and 4 am of the ranking calculation day.

  • For example, if the ranking was reset at 4 am on March 14, Monday, and the collection ended at 4 am on March 21, Monday, the dates will display March 14 (start date) and March 20 (one day before the calculation).
  • The actual collection period of the ranking in the example above is from March 14, Monday, 4 am, to March 21, Monday, 4 am.

Rankings without ranking rewards are not registered to Previous Rankings.