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[SyncVar] attribute is used to automatically synchronize variables from the server to clients. When the value changes on the server, it is automatically propagated to all clients.

Key Features

  • One-way synchronization from server to client.
  • Changes made on the client are not synchronized back to the server.
  • Cannot be used with null values.
  • Supports basic types (e.g., int, long, float, string, Vector3) and GameObject types that include a NetworkIdentity.

Basic Use

Syncing simple variables

public class Player : NetworkBehaviour
public int health = 100;

public string playerName = "Player";

public Vector3 spawnPoint;

Using Hook Functions

public class Player : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnHealthChanged))]
private int health = 100;

// The hook function takes the previous value and the new value as parameters.
private void OnHealthChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
// Logic to execute when health changes
PlayDamageEffect(oldValue - newValue);

Synchronizing GameObject with NetworkIdentity

public class PlayerEquipment : NetworkBehaviour
public GameObject currentWeapon; // Only GameObjects with NetworkIdentity can be synced

public void EquipWeapon(GameObject weapon)
if (!weapon.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>())

currentWeapon = weapon;

Using Hook with GameObject

public class PlayerTeam : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnTeamChanged))]
public GameObject currentTeam; // GameObject with NetworkIdentity

private void OnTeamChanged(GameObject oldTeam, GameObject newTeam)
// Logic to execute when team changes
  1. SyncVar values should only be changed on the server.
  2. Changing the SyncVar value on the client will not sync the value with other clients.
  3. The Hook function is automatically called whenever the value of a SyncVar changes.
  4. When using a GameObject as a SyncVar, the NetworkIdentity component is required. :::