Data Table
Data Table is a centralized game data management system. It allows you to manage various game content data in a spreadsheet format and automatically deploy it via CDN.
Key Features
- Centralized management of game content data
- Edit data in spreadsheet format
- Automatic distribution through CDN
- Powerful query functionality with LINQ-style syntax
Component Setup
- Refresh Data Tables: Update to latest data
Component References
public class GameDataManager : MonoBehaviour
private BACKND.DataTable _dataTable;
void Awake()
_dataTable = GetComponent<BACKND.DataTable>();
if (_dataTable == null)
_dataTable = gameObject.AddComponent<BACKND.DataTable>();
Data Definition and Use
Item Data Example
1001,Ancient Sword,Weapon,Legendary,5000,150,0
1002,Steel Armor,Armor,Rare,2000,0,80
1003,Health Potion,Consumable,Common,100,0,0
Class Definition
public class ItemData
public int id;
public string name;
public string type;
public string grade;
public int price;
public int attack;
public int defense;
Data Lookup
public class ItemManager : MonoBehaviour
private BACKND.DataTable _dataTable;
void Awake()
_dataTable = GetComponent<BACKND.DataTable>();
// Lookup single item
public ItemData GetItem(int itemId)
return _dataTable.From<ItemData>()
.Where(x => == itemId)
// Item list of certain grade
public List<ItemData> GetItemsByGrade(string grade)
return _dataTable.From<ItemData>()
.Where(x => x.grade == grade)
Practical Example: Monster Data
Data Structure
Implmentation Example
public class MonsterData
public int id;
public string name;
public int level;
public int health;
public int attack;
public int defense;
public class MonsterManager : MonoBehaviour
private BACKND.DataTable _dataTable;
void Awake()
_dataTable = GetComponent<BACKND.DataTable>();
// Search monster in level range
public List<MonsterData> GetMonstersByLevel(int minLevel, int maxLevel)
return _dataTable.From<MonsterData>()
.Where(x => x.level >= minLevel && x.level <= maxLevel)
.OrderBy(x => x.level)
// Search the strongest monster
public MonsterData GetStrongestMonster()
return _dataTable.From<MonsterData>()
.OrderByDescending(x => x.attack)
Use Tips
Component setup
- The DataTable component must be referenced using GetComponent.
- If it's not present, you can add it using AddComponent.
Data management
- After modifying data in the console, use the Refresh button to update.
- Related data should be managed in a single table.
Use of Query
- Filter required data using Where.
- Sort data using OrderBy.
- Retrieve a single data entry using FirstOrDefault. :::
- The column names in the table must match the property names in the class
- Use the Refresh Data Tables button to load the latest data.
- Since it is automatically deployed via CDN, no separate deployment process is needed. :::