public BackendReturnObject LoginWithTheBackendToken();
User who logged in before tries to log in using a BACKND AccessToken stored in the device locally.
BACKND SDK's login method requires an unexpired access_token or refresh_token stored in the device.
When the login succeeds, access_token and refresh_token are updated with new ones.
The token may expire for various reasons, such as login from another device and changes in the backend.dat file due to an update.
In such cases, a general login is required, as the token login is unavailable.
When using the token login, make sure to configure the code so that the general login is available upon a token login failure.
BackendReturnObject bro = Backend.BMember.LoginWithTheBackendToken();
Debug.Log("Automatic login successful");
Backend.BMember.LoginWithTheBackendToken((callback) => {
if (callback.IsSuccess()) {
Debug.Log("Automatic login successful");
SendQueue.Enqueue(Backend.BMember.LoginWithTheBackendToken, (callback) => {
if (callback.IsSuccess()) {
Debug.Log("Automatic login successful");
Success cases
When login is successful
statusCode : 201
message : Success
Error cases
When the user tries token login but there is no local access token in the device
statusCode : 400
errorCode : accessTokenError
message : accessToken not exist
When attempting in a situation where the token value does not exist, such as no login or reconnecting after logging out
statusCode : 400
errorCode : UndefinedParameterException
message : undefined refresh_token, refresh_token cannot be checked
When the refresh_token expires because the user logged in to another device
statusCode : 401
errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
message : bad refreshToken, Invalid refreshToken
When the user is blocked
statusCode : 403
errorCode : The reason for blocking entered in the console
message : Forbidden blocked user, Blocked user
code : 403100
errorMessage : 757fe1d0-03af-11ef-bda5-fd24a5f141c1 blocked until 2024-11-29T12:41:19.465Z
errorData : {
uuid : 757fe1d0-03af-11ef-bda5-fd24a5f141c1
nickname : Nickname
blockReason : The reason for blocking entered in the console
blockDate : 2024-11-29T12:41:19.465Z
If the user is blocked, you can check the following error data.
- Code : Unique ID for the error case
- ErrorMessage : Details of that error
- ErrorData : Detailed data related to the error (If nickname and blockReason do not exist, data cannot be parsed.)
Error use example
var callback = Backend.BMember.CustomLogin("a0", "a0");
if (callback.GetMessage().StartsWith("Forbidden blocked user"))
StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder();
returnString.Append("StatusCode : ").Append(callback.GetStatusCode()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("ErrorCode : ").Append(callback.GetErrorCode()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("Message : ").Append(callback.GetMessage()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("Code : ").Append(callback.GetCode()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("ErrorMessage : ").Append(callback.GetErrorMessage()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("errorData(uuid) : ").Append(callback.GetErrorData()["uuid"].ToString()).AppendLine();
if (callback.GetErrorData().ContainsKey("nickname"))
returnString.Append("errorData(nickname) : ").Append(callback.GetErrorData()?["nickname"].ToString()).AppendLine();
if (callback.GetErrorData().ContainsKey("blockReason"))
returnString.Append("errorData(blockReason) : ").Append(callback.GetErrorData()?["blockReason"].ToString()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("errorData(blockDate) : ").Append(callback.GetErrorData()["blockDate"].ToString()).AppendLine();
When the device is blocked
statusCode : 403
errorCode : ForbiddenException
message : Forbidden blocked device, Blocked device
code : 403100
errorMessage : 20240426092307fc5ac478c is blocked
errorData : {
deviceUniqueId : 20240426092307fc5ac478c
If the device is blocked, you can check the following error data.
- Code : Unique ID for the error case
- ErrorMessage : Details of that error
- ErrorData : Detailed data related to the error
Error use example
var callback = Backend.BMember.CustomSignUp("a0", "a0");
if (callback.IsDeviceBlockError())
StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder();
returnString.Append("StatusCode : ").Append(callback.GetStatusCode()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("ErrorCode : ").Append(callback.GetErrorCode()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("Message : ").Append(callback.GetMessage()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("Code : ").Append(callback.GetCode()).AppendLine();
returnString.Append("ErrorMessage : ").Append(callback.GetErrorMessage()).AppendLine();
When the refresh_token has expired after one year
statusCode: 410
errorCode: GoneResourceException
message : Gone expired refreshToken, refreshToken does not exist.