Download and Game Settings
To successfully run the 'Idle BackendHero' the following settings are necessary:
- Unity - Scene settings
- Unity - Configure clientAppId and signatureKey values in BACKND
- BACKND Console - Create five game information tables
- BACKND Console - Create 7 charts and apply them after downloading
The following fields must be configured after running the game:
- BACKND Console - Ranking
- BACKND Console - Mail
Unity settings
1. Download the Unity package above.
- BackendIdle.unitypackage
This example was developed on Unity 2021.3.6f1 and BACKND SDK 5.8.0 dotnet4 versions.
2. Apply the relevant package in an empty Unity project.
3. Create a new project in BACKND Console.
- Get the Client App ID and Signature Key from the project. See the relevant documentation.
- BACKND SDK is already included in the source code, so there is no need to install it separately.
4. Enter the Client App ID and Signature Key issued in Step 3 to The Backend > Edit Settings.
5. Click the File tab at the top of Unity, go to Build Settings > Scenes in Build, and register the scenes according to the following steps.
You can check the scenes in Assets > Scenes.
- LoginScene
- LoadingScene
- InGameScene
Console settings
1. In BACKND Console > Game Information Management, create the following tables as Private/schema-undefined tables.
- QuestAchievement
- UserData
- ItemInventory
- WeaponEquip
- WeaponInventory
2. Create charts with the following names in BACKND Console > Chart Management.(Chart names written in Step 3)
- forPost
- weaponChart
- itemChart
- questChart
- shopChart
- stageChart
- enemyChart
3. Download the charts.
Chart Name | File |
forPost | forPost.csv |
weaponChart | weaponChart.csv |
itemChart | itemChart.csv |
questChart | questChart.csv |
shopChart | shopChart.csv |
stageChart | stageChart.csv |
enemyChart | enemyChart.csv |
4. Upload the charts downloaded in Step 3 to the charts with the same names and select the corresponding chart to click the 'Apply chart' button.
4. Start the game
You are now ready to run the example game.
Go to LoginScene in Unity and run the game.
Rankings may be used after the data is generated in the game information table by starting the game.
Please refer to How to use ranking and mail for ranking and mail settings.