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Version: 5.15.0

ONE store Payment Console Settings

In order to verify ONE store payment receipts using BACKND in ONE store, the following configurations must be applied on the ONE store developer page.

Note - Subscription products not available

The receipt verification function for subscription products cannot be used currently.

1. Register ONE store in-app products

  1. From ONE store developer center ONE store developer page, go to APPS > Applications > Register App.

  2. Click Applications > In-App > Managed Product or Subscription > Register In-App to enter the product information.
    When you have finished entering, click Save to register the product.

2. Register testers

  1. Go to the Applications > In-App > Billing Test tab.

  2. Enter the ID in Test ID box and click Search to search the user. Enter the information and press the Register button.

  3. If the user is successfully registered as a tester, the user's information is displayed under Test ID mgmt.

3. Connect BACKND Console

  1. To verify receipts for ONE store in-apps from the BACKND Console, you need to enter the following values in BACKND Console > Project Settings > Store Information.
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

The information can be checked by clicking Managed In-App API from the APPS > In-App > Managed Product window.