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Push Message Registration for iOS

Provides a function to receive push messages from BACKND Console.

  • Multilingual support
    • If the user's country code is present and a push message is registered in the console for that country → Sends the push message registered for that country.
    • If the user's country code is not present, or if a push message is not registered for the country in the console → Sends the default push message.
Flow of the process

This page assumes that you have completed registration for an Apple developer account.

  1. Create a certificate request, create an APP ID
  2. Issue an APNS certificate, create provisioning
  3. Set up and build Xcode project

iOS requires a certificate to send push notifications. As the first step in obtaining a certificate, you must obtain a personal certificate.

1. Create a certificate request(CertificateSigningRequest), create an APP ID

1-1 Create a certificate request(CertificateSigningRequest)

To create a certificate in your Apple developer account, you need to create CertificateSigningRequest using a keychain.

Create CertificateSigningRequest by entering your Apple ID(developer account) and name in the user email address and follow the configuration below:

1-2 Create an APP ID

Create an APP ID for the app that will receive push notifications. Go to Apple Developer - Member Center and click on Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

Click on App IDs and press the + button to add a new app.

The Bundle ID must be the same as the value set in Unity. Continue by following the process below:

2. Issue an APNS certificate, create provisioning

2-1 Issue an APNS certificate

You will see the app you just created in the App IDs tab. Select this App and click Edit.

If you check Push Notifications, you will see that you can create a certificate for development and a certificate for production. We will create one for development as a test.

A window to upload the CertificateSigningRequest file created in Step 1 will appear. Click the Choose File button to add it.

The certificate is now ready for download. Download it.

2-2 Issue an APNS certificate for the BACKND server

Upon completion, upload the p12 file in BACKND Console > Server Settings > Push Message > iOS and enter the password you set.

2-3 Create provisioning

Create provisioning to use when developing an app in Xcode. Select Provisioning Profiles > All at the bottom of the left panel of the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page and click the + button to add a new profile.

Select iOS App Development and click Continue.

Select the pre-made App ID and click Continue.

Select the certificate.

Select the device you want to test on. For push notifications, you must register and check the device as they cannot be checked on an emulator.
On the next page, fill in your profile name to complete the provisioning process.
Click the Download button to download the provisioning. Double-click the downloaded file to automatically apply it to Xcode.

3. Set up and build Xcode project

Click Build Settings at the top of the Project Settings window and search for code signing in the right search bar.
Click the window to the right of Debug and select the push message service certificate you have set.

Click on the app name under Targets in the left panel. Turn on the Push Notifications function in the Capabilities option.