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Version: 6.0.0


public BackndReturnObject AutoSignIn();


User who logged in before tries to log in using a BACKND AccessToken stored in the device locally.
BACKND SDK's login method requires an unexpired access_token or refresh_token stored in the device.
When the login succeeds, access_token and refresh_token are updated with new ones.



BackndReturnObject bro = Backnd.Player.AutoSignIn();
Debug.Log("Automatic login successful");


Backnd.Player.AutoSignIn((callback) =>
Debug.Log("Automatic login successful");

Return cases

Success cases

When the login is successful
statusCode : 201

Error cases

When the user tries token login but there is no local access token in the device
statusCode : 400
errorCode : accessTokenError

When there is an attempt without CustomSignIn
statusCode : 400
errorCode : UndefinedParameterException

When the refresh_token expires because the user logged in to another device
statusCode : 401
errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException

When the user is blocked
statusCode : 403
errorCode : Reason for blocking entered in the console

When the refresh_token has expired after one year
statusCode: 410 errorCode: GoneResourceException,