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Version: 5.9.6


public BackendReturnObject CreateGuildV3(string guildName, int goodsCount);
public BackendReturnObject CreateGuildV3(string guildName, int goodsCount, CountryCode countryCode);
public BackendReturnObject CreateGuildV3(string guildName, int goodsCount, Param param);
public BackendReturnObject CreateGuildV3(string guildName, int goodsCount, Param param, CountryCode countryCode);


guildNamestringGuild name-
goodsCountintNumber of guild goods to be used(1 - 10)(Cannot be changed after the guild has been created)-
paramParam(Optional) Guild metadata-
countryCodeCountryCode(Optional) Country informationCountryCode.NONE


Creates a guild.

  • Only members who meet all guild creation conditions registered in BACKND Console can create a guild.
    Guild creation conditions will be determined according to the latest value in the designated table and partition under BACKND Console > BACKND Base > Guild Management > Settings. If there is no guild creation condition registered in BACKND Console, any member can create a guild.
  • The guild name must be between 2 - 16 characters and can contain Korean and alphanumeric characters; however, using special characters is prohibited. Furthermore, guild names cannot start with a number. Using spaces is allowed, but consecutive spaces are prohibited. Starting or ending the guild name with a space is also prohibited.
  • The number of guild goods types can only be defined at the point of creation; increasing or decreasing it is not available afterward.
  • The desired information can be stored in the metadata, and it is possible to add/modify meta information through ModifyGuild(param).
  • The country code can be added/modified by the guild master using UpdateCountryCode after the guild is created.
  • For more information on CountryCode, refer to this link.
  • Only countries that exist in the users' country code can be registered as the guild's country code. Guild country codes that are not a part of the users' country code pool are not displayed on the console.



// If the metadata is missing 
Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2);

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, CountryCode.SouthKorea);

// Enter the metadata you want in the param(optional)
Param param = new Param();

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, param);

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, param, CountryCode.SouthKorea);


// If the metadata is missing 
Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, (callback) =>
// Post-process

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, CountryCode.SouthKorea, (callback) =>
// Post-process

// If the metadata exists
Param param = new Param();

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, param, (callback) =>
// Post-process

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, param, CountryCode.SouthKorea, (callback) =>
// Post-process


//If the metadata is missing
SendQueue.Enqueue(Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, (callback) =>
// Post-process

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, CountryCode.SouthKorea, (callback) =>
// Post-process

//If the metadata exists
Param param = new Param();

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, param, (callback) =>
// Post-process

Backend.Guild.CreateGuildV3("guildName", 2, param, CountryCode.SouthKorea, (callback) =>
// Post-process

Return cases

Success cases

When created successfully
statusCode : 204

Error cases

When the goodsCount is more than 10
statusCode : 400
errorCode : BadParameterException

When the goodsCount is 0 or lower
statusCode : 400
errorCode : UndefinedParameterException

When a user who does not meet the console setting conditions tries to create a guild
statusCode : 403
errorCode : ForbiddenError

When there is an attempt to create a guild with a duplicated guild name
statusCode : 409
errorCode : DuplicatedParameterException

When the guild name conditions are not met
statusCode : 412
errorCode : PreconditionFailed

When the user is already in a guild
statusCode : 412
errorCode : PreconditionFailed