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Version: 5.15.0


BackendHero is an example game provided by BACKND to guide game development.
The game was developed by Mmzzuu Company, and its server functions were implemented with BACKND SDK. All source codes are open source.
BackEndHero was developed with Unity 2020.1.3f1 and Backend-5.9.0.


BackEndHero uses the [BSD-2-Clause] ( license.

Unity package file



Included functions

BackEndHero contains the following BACKND Base and BACKND Chat functions.
These are only some of the BACKND functions, and more may be added to the BackEndHero example game in the future.

BACKND Base functions

Custom accountCustom sign-up and login
GPGS loginFederation sign-up and login using GPGS login token
Apple loginFederation sign-up and login using Apple login token
Token loginToken login with BACKND access token
NicknameCreate/modify nicknames
Game information managementUpdate and look up user scores and purchase history
AnnouncementsLook up announcements
1:1 inquiry1:1 inquiry, look up inquiry list
General rankingLook up 1st - 10th place in rankings, look up my ranking and score
Push messageActivate/deactivate push messages
Receipt verificationVerify purchase receipts of ad-removal items
LogsLogs achievements of highest scores and purchases of ad-removal items

BACKND Chat functions

Chat server activation statusCheck the BACKND Chat activation status
Group channel listLook up channel lists
Look up recent messagesLook up recent messages
Access chat server / terminate accessAccess the chat server and terminate access
Send/receive messagesSend/receive messages
Send/receive whispersSend/receive whispers
Block usersBlock/unblock specific users
Report usersReport specific users
FilteringProfanity filtering
Anti-spamConfigure and block spam messages
Automatic access terminationTerminate access when no message is sent for a certain time

How to run the example game

1. Download the Unity package file at the top.

2. Load the project from Unity.

  • When importing, Physic in Project Settings is also changed.

3. Open the game under Assets > Scenes.

4. Create a new project in BACKND Console.

Get the Client App ID and Signature Key from the project. See the relevant documentation.
Enter the issued Client App ID and Signature Key in The Backend > Edit Setting.

  • BACKND SDK is already included in the source code, so there is no need to install it separately.

5. Create a table to store data.

Navigate to Game Information Management > Table Management of the menu on the left side of the console, and click the Create a Table button.
For the DB, select the new version (SDK 5.4.0 or later). Then, create score and purchase tables as follows:

#1 Classification: Private Table name: score Table description: anything Defined schema: disable Status: activated

#2 Classification: Private Table name: purchase Table description: anything Defined schema: disable Status: activated

Play the game to update the score table and create a ranking column.
(The internal logic inserts/modifies data to the score table when you play the game and lose.)

6. Create a ranking to check.

Create a new ranking from Ranking Management > Ranking on the left menu of the console.

Type: user ranking Ranking name: anything Reset period: accumulative ranking Ranking field: table - score, column - score Additional field: owner_inDate (or whichever column you want to add other than score) Ranking rewards: none (cannot be selected)

If the score column cannot be selected when creating rankings, play the game to update the game information and create a ranking. (The game data will be updated automatically when you lose.)

Click the created ranking and copy the uuid at the top.

Click Backend Server Manager from the Unity Hierarchy panel. Paste the uuid into the Rank Uuid field under the Back End Server Manager (script) on the Inspector panel.

7. Activate BACKND Chat and create a channel group.

  1. On the left menu of the console, select BACKND Chat to activate it.

  2. In Channel Group Management, create a new channel group by using Auto Create Channel and set it as Public.


Finally, click the BackEnd Server Manager object in Unity Hierarchy, and enter the Group Name in Back End Server Manager (script) on the Inspector panel.


8. Debug.Log may not work properly upon execution.

If Debug.Log does not work, navigate to File > Build Settings, and click Player Settings. Then, go to Other Settings > Scripting Define Symbols and enter ENABLE_LOG.


Create a new project in the Services tab, and turnON In-App Purchasing. Then, restart the project to resolve the error.

  • The in-app function can be imported properly only when there is no error log in Unity.


Inoperative functions

When the example game project is launched, GPGS sign-up, push message, purchase, and ad functions do not work properly.
They require additional SDKs to be downloaded. Google and Apple authentication as well as Unity ad ID were removed for security reasons.
You may download the app from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store links above to test the relevant functions.
Also, developers can test the functions by being authenticated by Google and Apple. For more information, please refer to the following documentation.