public BackendReturnObject Initialize();
public BackendReturnObject Initialize(BackendCustomSetting settings);
public void InitializeAsync(Backend.BackendCallback callback);
public void InitializeAsync(BackendCustomSetting settings, Backend.BackendCallback callback);
Value | Type | Description |
settings | BackendCustomSetting | The parameter value object to be used when initializing the BACKND SDK |
callback | Action<BackendReturnObject> | Callback method of the asynchronous method to be called upon initialization success/failure |
Value | Type | Description | Default |
packageName | string | Game package name | string.Empty |
clientAppID | string | Unique game ID that identifies the game | string.Empty |
signatureKey | string | Key required to encrypt data when exchanging game data with the server | string.Empty |
functionAuthKey | string | Key for authentication when using BACKND Function | string.Empty |
sendLogReport | bool | Value that determines whether additional logs are stored in the server when a request is sent to the server. | true |
timeOutSec | uint | Determines the time to process as a timeout error when a request is sent to the server and there is no response within a set time (seconds). | |
default: 100 seconds, min: 30 seconds, max: 100 seconds | 100 | ||
useAsyncPoll | bool | Whether the pooling function will be used to handle callbacks of asynchronous methods in the main thread (the feature will only function when the network type is set to HTTP_CLIENT.) | false |
waitUntilInitializeFinish | bool | You can choose whether to call the country information asynchronously or to invoke it after the initialization function to receive the country information in the same response. | false |
If the packageName is string.Empty, the SDK will use the value of Application.identifier during initialization.
To use BACKND SDK, you must undergo SDK initialization.
The initialization process only needs to be done once while the game is running.
If BackendCustomSetting is passed as a parameter value of the initialization method, all values of The Backend Settings set in the Unity Inspector window are ignored, and the initialization of SDK is attempted with the values defined in BackendCustomSettings.
Values defined in The Backend Settings cannot be used interchangeably with values defined in BackendCustomSetting.
using BackEnd;
void Start()
// First way (Synchronous)
var bro = Backend.Initialize();
// Logic when initialization succeeds
// Logic when initialization fails
Synchronous (SDK settings value declared directly)
using BackEnd;
void Start()
// Second way (Synchronous)
// SDK settings value
BackendCustomSetting settings = new BackendCustomSetting();
settings.clientAppID = "Client app ID";
settings.signatureKey = "Signature key";
settings.functionAuthKey = "BACKND Function key";
settings.sendLogReport = true;
settings.timeOutSec = 100;
var bro = Backend.Initialize(settings);
// Logic when initialization succeeds
// Logic when initialization fails
using BackEnd;
void Start()
// Third way (Asynchronous)
// You can specify whether to enable the logic for bringing external thread responses to the main thread.
bool useAsyncPoll = true;
// You can also decide whether to call the country information asynchronously or retrieve it after the initialization response. (if set to false, the country information will be fetched after the initialization response.)
bool autoLocationToAsync = true;
Backend.InitializeAsync(useAsyncPoll, autoLocationToAsync, callback => {
// Logic when initialization succeeds
// Logic when initialization fails
Asynchronous (SDK settings value declared directly)
using BackEnd;
void Start()
// Fourth way (Asynchronous)
// SDK settings value
BackendCustomSetting settings = new BackendCustomSetting();
settings.clientAppID = "Client app ID";
settings.signatureKey = "Signature key";
settings.functionAuthKey = "BACKND Function key";
settings.isAllPlatform = true;
settings.sendLogReport = true;
settings.timeOutSec = 100;
settings.useAsyncPoll = true;
settings.autoLocationToAsync = false;
Backend.InitializeAsync(settings, callback => {
// Logic when initialization succeeds
// Logic when initialization fails
Return Cases
Success Case
statusCode : 204
message : Success
In addition, Server setting success is printed on the Unity debug console window.
Error Case
When the Client App ID or Signature Key is invalid
statusCode : 404
errorCode : NotFoundException
message : game not found, game cannot be found
When the Client App ID or Signature Key is null or string.Empty
statusCode : 400
errorCode : InitializeFail
message : Please Edit the Baceknd Settings