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Profanity filter

Profanity filter replaces marked words with asterisks(*) in chats. You can add, edit, or delete filtered words in the console.

  • A standard profanity filter list is provided by default upon activating BACKND Chat.
  • Words are separated by commas(,) and no spaces are allowed.
  • For English, characters are not case-sensitive.

Add/edit/delete profanity

You can freely edit the profanity list by adding or removing words in the profanity filter input window.

Terminate automatic connection

Players who remained silent in all channels for the set time are automatically disconnected from the chat server.

  • The default is Disabled, and you can select from the following: 15 mins/30 mins/1 hours/3 hours/6 hours.

Spam prevention

Spam prevention is a function that prohibits the user from chatting if they repeatedly enter chat messages within the set time.