Provides a function for user information management. You can modify information on avatars, nicknames, language, as well as metadata. The function also allows blocks between users.
The following details callback methods, call methods, and information classes related to user information.
User information
Callback method
// This callback method is relayed when the information of a certain user is changed among those logged in to the channel. It transfers the user's changed information.
void OnUpdatePlayerInfo(string channelGroup, string channelName, uint64_t channelNumber, BackndChat::PlayerInfo player) { }
// This callback method is relayed when the nickname of a certain user is changed among those logged in to the chat server. It transfers the user's nicknames before and after the change.
void OnChangeGamerName(string oldGamerName, string newGamerName) { }
Call method
// This is a method that changes the information of your avatar. It sends the avatar information to be changed.
BackndChat::BDChatMain::UpdateAvatar(string avatar)
// This is a method that changes the nickname of your avatar. It sends the nickname to be changed.
BackndChat::BDChatMain::UpdateNickname(string nickname)
// This is a method that changes the language information. It sends the language information to be changed.
BackndChat::BDChatMain::UpdateLanguage(string language)
// This is a method that changes the metadata. It sends all metadata information. (Overwrites information.)
BackndChat::BDChatMain::UpdateMetadata(map<string, string> metadata)
This call method is related to the function that allows blocks between users.
Blocks between users
Call method
// Imports the nickname list of currently blocked users.
vector<string> blockedPlayers = BackndChat::BDChatMain::GetBlockGamers();
// This is the user block method. It sends the nickname of the user to be blocked.
BackndChat::BDChatMain::SendAddBlockGamer(string gamerName)
// This is the user unblock method. It sends the nickname of the user to be unblocked.
BackndChat::BDChatMain::SendRemoveBlockGamer(string gamerName);
Information class
struct PlayerInfo
// Player name
string GamerName;
// Player avatar name
string Avatar;
// Player language
string Language;
// Player metadata
map<string, string> Metadata;
Blocks between users when using custom authentication
If you are using custom authentication, you must set the endpoint for blocks/unblocks between users to be connected in the BACKND Console.
API settings for blocks between users when using custom authentication
In Console > Chat > Settings menu, you can set the API endpoint for blocks/unblocks between users.
The chat server sends an HTTP request in the following way:
Block API
HTTP request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8
Request body
Property name | Type | Value | Description |
source | string | thebackend-chat-api | Requested server name (BACKND's chat server) |
nickname | string | nickname | Nickname of the user to be blocked |
"source": "thebackend-chat-api",
"nickname" : "nickname",
Configure it to return a response with the correct format.
The user information must contain a nickname
and uid
in a string format.
The uid
must be a unique value assigned to each user because users are distinguished using the uid
The following is an example of the user information sent from the user block API to the chat server:
"nickname": "john doe",
"uid": "1234"
Unblock API
HTTP request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8
Request body
Property name | Type | Value | Description |
source | string | thebackend-chat-api | Requested server name (BACKND's chat server) |
uid | string | uid | Unique value of the user to be unblocked |
nickname | string | nickname | Nickname of the user to be unblocked |
"source": "thebackend-chat-api",
"nickname": "john doe",
"uid": "1234"
Configure it to return a response with the correct format.
The user information must contain a nickname
and uid
in a string format.
The uid
must be a unique value assigned to each user because users are distinguished using the uid
The following is an example of the user information sent from the user unblock API to the chat server:
"nickname": "john doe",
"uid": "1234"