Example Game
The example chat game is an Unreal Engine sample project that contains example codes to allow users to easily utilize the chat functions.
The example was developed in the following versions:
- Unreal Engine 5.3.2
- BackndChatExample-UE53.zip [2024-10-29]
Supported Platforms
- Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux
Unreal Engine 4.27
- BackndChatExample-UE427.zip [2024-10-29]
How to Configure
1. Run the example chat game
Download BackndChatExample-UE53.zip from the link above, unzip it, then open the project.
2. Enable chat in the console
Go to BACKND Console's Chat > Settings and click Enable Chat.
3. Create channel groups and channels
Click the + button next to Channel Groups.
Click Open Type and click Next.
- Enter the channel group name and the maximum number of users per channel. Then, select a FALLBACK channel and click Next.
- Enter the name of the first channel and click the Create button.
4. Copy the chat server key of the BACKND Console project
Go to BACKND Console's Chat > Settings and copy the Chat UUID.
5. Run project
Configuration is complete.
6. Example game commands
Leave unnecessary parameters blank.
/login xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx a0 a0 ko : Login (UUID, ID, PW, Language)
/cc test1 test1 0 password 5000 : Create private channel (channel group, channel name, channel number, password, max members)
/oj test1 test1 : Enter open channel (channel group, channel name)
/pj test1 1 password : Enter private channel (channel group, channel number, channel password)
/l test1 test1 1 : Exit channel (channel group, channel name, channel number)
/w a1 message : Whisper (user name, message)
/report 1 reason : Report message (message index number, reason for report : If this value is blank, the reason for configuration)
/translate en: On-demand translation feature (translatable language: en/ko/ja)
/info a1 : Import metadata (user name)
/nickname a222222 : Change nickname (user name)
/meta add test test : Add metadata (key, value)
/meta remove test : Delete metadata (key)
/meta update test test111 : Update metadata (key, value)
/language ko-KR : Change language information (language to change)
/avatar Boy_1 : Change avatar (avatar name)