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This is a method for setting the BACKND CLI to build, deploy, and delete BACKND Function projects created by developers.

'config' commands

Execute the config.json file using Notepad to control the BACKND CLI.
The config.json file is stored in the path below.

Execute config commands backend config


"account": {
// BACKND Function authentication key issued from BACKND Console
"authKey": "Authentication key"
"projectInfo": {
// Enter the absolute path of the project created by the developer.
// The path must be separated by \\ so that the CLI can recognize it normally.
// ex) C:\\work
"projectPath": "Project path",
// Enter the name of the project created by the developer.
"csprojName": "BackendFunction.csproj",
// The output of the project to be deployed to the server. The default is We recommend that you do not change it.
"binName": ""
// Method name to deploy/delete. It is deployed to the server with the method name set here.
"functionName": "publish",
// Description of the method. It is deployed to the server with the string set here.
"description": "Request sent"

If you wish to configure the C:/work/FuncDir/func.csproj file, set it as follows: projectPath: "C:\\work\\FuncDir" csproj: "func.csproj"

For information on how you can obtain a BACKND Function authentication key, please refer to the [Getting Started documentation](/sdk-docs/function/intro).