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BACKND Function development environment

The following development environment is required to develop BACKND Function.

  • Windows 10 or Windows 11
  • Visual Studio 2022 or Visual Studio Code
  • .NET 6.0

Install BACKND Function

To develop BACKND Function, development tools and the Visual Studio project template must be installed.
Developers can use the project template to create new projects in the Visual Studio environment.
In addition, if the development environment is Visual Studio Code, you can install and use the BackendFunction extension from the Marketplace.
Developers can use the BACKND Function development tools to debug and build the project created using the above template, deploy it to the server, and delete the deployed project.

Install the BACKND Function development tool

After downloading the development tool from the above link, run the BackendSetup.msi file to install it.

For Windows, Windows Defender SmartScreen warning messages may occur when running the installer.
If you see AFI, Inc specified as the publisher, you can rest assured that it is an authenticated file that has not been forged or tampered with.
If desired, you can right-click the installation file > Properties > Digital Signature to verify the authentication details.

After installation is finished, the computer must be restarted to properly complete the installation.

Install the BACKND Function project template

After closing all running Visual Studio instances, run the BackendFunction.vsix file to proceed with the installation.
This displays the version of Visual Studio currently installed in your development environment.

Install the BACKND Function extension for VSCode

After searching for BackendFunction using search in Extensions in Visual Studio Code, find and install BackendFunction.
Alternatively, click the Install button on the Marketplace on the Vscode webpage to install.