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Version: 6.0.0

Looking Up Locally Stored User Information

public string PlayerInDate;
public string UserNickName;


The user's locally stored inDate and nickname are looked up.
You can check them after the user's sign-up or login.
inDate and nickname of the user who logged in to BACKND Base are returned.

They will be refreshed whenever the user logs in or signs up with a new account.


string inDate = Backnd.PlayerInDate;
string nickName = Backnd.UserNickName;


Return cases

When the variable is accessed after login PlayerInDate : User inDate of the currently logged-in account is returned.
UserNickName : User nickname of the currently logged-in account is returned.

When the variable is accessed after logging in as a user without a nickname PlayerInDate : User inDate of the currently logged-in account is returned.
UserNickName : An empty string object is returned.(string.Empty)

When the variable is accessed immediately after sign-up(same as the case when the nickname does not exist) PlayerInDate : User inDate of the currently logged-in account is returned.
UserNickName : An empty string object is returned.(string.Empty)

When accessing the variable after creating/changing the nickname PlayerInDate : User inDate of the currently logged-in account is returned.
UserNickName : User nickname of the currently logged-in account is returned.(The new nickname is returned.)

When accessing the variable before logging in or after failing to log in PlayerInDate : Empty string object is returned.(string.Empty) UserNickName : An empty string object is returned.(string.Empty)