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Version: 6.0.0

Configure the BACKND SDK Inspector

On the BACKND Inspector window, you can set various values to use BACKND SDK.
Below is a detailed description of each value.

Server Settings

Client App IDUnique game ID that identifies the game
App Signature KeyKey required to encrypt data when exchanging game data with the server
Function Auth KeyKey for authentication when using BACKND Function
Is Send Log ReportA value that determines whether additional logs will be stored on the server when a request is sent to the server.
If this value is checked, an additional log separate from the existing one is left when sending a request.
The new log is used to track errors later or to improve BACKND.
Checking this option will not cause much difference in response speed, but the response speed may become slightly slower if checked.
Is Debug ModeWhen you call a function, the return value of that function appears in Debug.Log.
Is Load LocationWhen BACKND initializes, it fetches country information from the server. Upon login, country information is generated for the user.
Is Load Location AsyncWhether to fetch the country information after initialization and return, or return after initialization and fetch the country information asynchronously.
Network TypeUNITY_WEB_REQUEST(Unity Request Library)(Recommend) / HTTP_CLIENT(C#)
is Dispatcher ActiveOnly occurs when the Network Type is HTTP_CLIENT. Whether the callback should be called on the main thread after the asynchronous function call. If true, it will be executed on the main thread. If false, execute on an external thread (no access to Unity or UI functions).

Device Id

Init Fail When Device Id UnknownWhether the initialization will be handled as a failure when there is no DeviceId