All Error Cases
statusCode | errorCode | Situation | Method |
200 | Success | - When the columnName does not exist - When no data meets the conditions | GetRandomGuildInfoV3 |
400 | accessTokenError | - When the user tries token login but there is no local access token in the device | AutoSignIn ReSignIn |
400 | BadParameterException | -(Schema) When the data type of the column declared upon defining the schema is different from that of the column to be inserted and updated | Insert Update UpdateV2 |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the wrong uuid or id is entered | GetProbabilityPickup GetProbabilitiesPickup |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the title/content does not meet the minimum/maximum length | SendPost |
400 | BadParameterException | -(Schema) When the data type of the column that declared the schema is different from the data type of the column inserted to param | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateGuildInfoAndRefreshLeaderboard |
400 | BadParameterException | - When there is a blank before/after the nickname | CheckDisplayNameDuplicate CreateNickname ChangeDisplayName |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the wrong uuid/id is entered | GetTableContent GetTableContentAndLocalSave |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the wrong email is entered | SendResetPasswordByEmailEmail |
400 | BadParameterException | - When a Korean character is included in the method name | InvokeFunction |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the goodsCount more than 10 | CreateGuild |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the contributed goodsType exceeds the goodsCount | ContributeGoodsV3 |
400 | BadParameterException | - When there is an attempt to modify the guild name | UpdateGuildInfo |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the inDate is null or string.Empty | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateGuildInfoAndRefreshLeaderboard |
400 | BadParameterException | -(Schema) When the size of the list selected upon declaring the list column in the schema is different from the size of the list entered in param | Insert Update UpdateV2 |
400 | BadParameterException | -(Schema) When the size of the map selected upon declaring the map column in the schema is different from the size of the map entered in param | Insert Update UpdateV2 |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the nickname exceeds 20 characters | CheckDisplayNameDuplicate CreateNickname ChangeDisplayName |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the data in Param is not modified as AddCalculation type | UpdateWithCalculation UpdateWithCalculationV2 |
400 | BadParameterException | - When an invalid OldPassword is entered | ChangePassword |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the wrong password is entered | ConfirmPassword |
400 | BadParameterException | - When there is data with 8 or more decimal places in the probability | GetProbabilityPickup GetProbabilitiesPickup |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the table registered as a ranking field upon creating the ranking is not in param | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateGuildInfoAndRefreshLeaderboard |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the sender and recipient are the same | SendMessage |
400 | BadParameterException | - When the ranking that attempted the update is not goods, meta, or user ranking - When the table is not the one registered as a ranking field upon creating the ranking | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard |
400 | BadParameterException | - Expired receipt token | ChargeGameCashByApple ValidateGooglePlayStoreReceipt |
400 | BadParameterException | - When ChangeToSocialMediaAccount was completed but another attempt is made | ChangeToSocialMediaAccount |
400 | BadParameterException | - When there is not enough TBC to purchase the cash item of the corresponding uuid | BuyProduct |
400 | BadParameterException | -(Schema) When there is an attempt to insert or update a column whose schema is not defined -(Schema) When a column whose schema is not defined is included in param | Insert Update |
400 | ConditionalCheckFailedException | - When a non-existent postIndate is entered | DeleteUserPostItem |
400 | HttpRequestException | - When the call/response fails because the network is temporarily unstable | Common Server Error Cases |
400 | InitializeFail | - When the Client App ID or Signature Key is null or string.Empty | Initialize |
400 | InvalidParameterValue | - When a special character is included in the project name upon finding custom ID, an error occurs and a notice email is not sent - When a special character is included in the project name upon finding custom ID and password, the password is changed but an error occurs and a notice email is not sent | FindAccountIdByEmail SendResetPasswordByEmailEmail |
400 | NotFoundException | - When called in non-Android and non-iOS devices | GetPlatformLatestVersion |
400 | PreconditionFailed | - When the value is 0 or lower | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard |
400 | TransactionDataError | - When there is a task other than the Get command in transactionList | TransactionRead TransactionWrite |
400 | TransactionSizeError | - When there are over 10 tasks in transactionList, or when there are no tasks | TransactionRead TransactionWrite |
400 | UndefinedParameterException | - When there is an attempt without CustomSignIn | ChangeToSocialMediaAccount |
400 | UndefinedParameterException | - When the goodsCount is 0 or lower | CreateGuild |
400 | UndefinedParameterException | - When the user tries to create/modify a nickname using an empty nickname or string.empty | CreateNickname ChangeDisplayName |
400 | ValidationException | - When there is an attempt to modify data that is not a number type When there is an attempt to modify a non-existent column | UpdateWithCalculation |
400 | ValidationException | - When the guildIndate is null or string.Empty | GetOtherGuildLeaderboardPlace |
400 | ValidationException | - When the total number of columns to be inserted, edited, or calculated is over 290 - When the size of the data to be inserted, edited, or calculated is over 4 MB | Insert TransactionWrite Update UpdateWithCalculation |
400 | ValidationException | - When the uuid is null or string.Empty | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard GetOtherGuildLeaderboardPlace GetMyLeaderboard GetMyLeaderboard GetLeaderboard GetLeaderboardByScore GetLeaderboardReward GetOtherPlayerLeaderboardPlace |
400 | ValidationException | - When 2 or more tasks are performed to the same row | TransactionRead TransactionWrite |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the Access Token is not valid - When the user's Access Token is wrong or expired(one day or more has passed since login) | Upon login |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the Access Token is not valid - When the user's Access Token is wrong or expired(one day or more has passed since login) | Upon calling functions other than login |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When an incorrect BACKND Function authorization key is entered in Unity | GetFunctionList InvokeFunction |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the Facebook information entered in BACKND Console is invalid | SocialMediaSignIn |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the Param value of the method requested to the BACKND server has float/double type data of 14 digits or more(including whole numbers and decimal places) - When the Param value of the method requested to the BACKND server has Dictionary type data of depth 4 or higher | Common Server Error Cases(occurs only in SDK 5.1.0 and earlier versions) |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the server and the client time have a difference of 10 minutes or more based on UTC +9(Korean time) | Common Server Error Cases |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the ID does not exist - When a guest login was attempted after changing the guest account to a federation account | CustomSignIn GuestLogin |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the password is incorrect | CustomSignIn |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the Google hash keys of the client(game) and the server(BACKND Console) do not match in an Android OS environment | Common Server Error Cases |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the refresh_token expired because the user logged in to another device | AutoSignIn ReSignIn |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the sender does not have a nickname | SendMessage |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the project status is 'Maintenance'(whitelisted users excluded) | CustomSignIn CustomSignUp SocialMediaSignIn AutoSignIn ReSignIn |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the project status is 'Maintenance'(whitelisted users excluded) | Upon calling functions other than login |
401 | BadUnauthorizedException | - When the signatures of the client(game) and the server(BACKND Console) do not match | Common Server Error Cases |
402 | AbnormalReceipt | - Refunded/canceled receipt | ChargeGameCashByApple ValidateAppStoreReceipt ValidateGooglePlayStoreReceipt |
403 | Forbidden | - When too many requests are sent from one client(same IP) - A client with this error cannot send requests for five minutes. | Common Server Error Cases |
403 | ForbiddenError | - When a user who does not meet the console setting conditions attempts to request to join a guild | RequestGuildJoin |
403 | ForbiddenError | - When a user who does not meet the console setting conditions attempts to create a guild | CreateGuild |
403 | ForbiddenException | - When a user attempts to expel a member without the proper authority | KickGuildMember |
403 | ForbiddenException | - When you send it to yourself | SendPost |
403 | ForbiddenException | - When the maximum number of friends setting value is 0 in the social management menu of BACKND Console | SendFriendRequest |
403 | ForbiddenException | - When a guild member who is not the master calls the method | EnableAutoApproveGuildJoinRequest |
403 | ForbiddenException | - When an attempt is made to modify or delete the information of another person in the private table | Delete DeleteV2 Update UpdateV2 |
403 | ForbiddenException | - When the maximum number of owned messages is 0 | SendMessage |
403 | ForbiddenException | - When a guild member other than the guild master attempts to use goods by calling the method | UpdateCountryCodeV3 UseGoodsV3 UseGuildGoods |
403 | Reason for blocking entered in the console | - When the account/user is blocked | SocialMediaSignIn CustomSignIn GuestLogin AutoSignIn ReSignIn |
404 | NotFoundException | -(Schema) When a column whose schema is not declared is in param -(Schema) When there is an attempt to modify a null or non-existent column - When there is an attempt to search for a column whose schema is not defined with the where condition | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateWithCalculation UpdateWithCalculation |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the country code does not exist | GetCountryCodeByIndate GetMyCountryCode |
404 | NotFoundException | - When a non-existent inDate is entered / When another person's row Indate is entered | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard |
404 | NotFoundException | - When there is no enrolled email | SendResetPasswordByEmailEmail |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the user information is not in the BACKND database | UpdateFederationEmail |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the gamerIndate is wrong / When the user is not a friend | DeleteFriend |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the Client App ID or Signature Key is invalid | Initialize |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the user searches the table to update or delete with the where condition but the table does not exist - When the user tries to delete a non-existent row - When the inDate does not exist -(Schema) When there is an attempt to search for a column whose schema is not defined with the where condition | Delete DeleteV2 Update UpdateWithCalculation |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the gamer with the given email does not exist - When there is an attempt to look up with a playerInDate of a non-existent user - When the wrong CustomId is entered | FindAccountIdByEmail GetOtherPlayerLeaderboardPlace SendResetPasswordByEmailEmail |
404 | NotFoundException | - When there is no user with that nickname or inDate | GetPlayerInfoByInDate GetPlayerInfoByDisplayName |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the guild name or guild InDate does not exist - When a user who has not joined a guild calls the method | GetGuildCurrency GetGuildInDateByGuildName GetGuildInfo GetGuildMemberList GetOtherGuildLeaderboardPlace EnableAutoApproveGuildJoinRequest |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the user tries to update with goods not selected during ranking creation - When there is an attempt to update the ranking with other metadata, not the one registered when creating the guild ranking | UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateGuildInfoAndRefreshLeaderboard |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the user is not in the guild | ChangeGuildMaster ChangeViceGuildMaster RemoveViceGuildMaster |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the guild does not exist in the ranking - When your guild does not exist in the ranking | GetOtherGuildLeaderboardPlace GetMyLeaderboard |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the indate(game information) is invalid | SendPost |
404 | NotFoundException | - When there is no message for the corresponding messageIndate | DeleteReceivedMessage DeleteSentMessage |
404 | NotFoundException | - When a non-existent postIndate is entered | ReceiveUserPostItem |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the corresponding announcement/event does not exist | GetEvent GetAnnouncement |
404 | NotFoundException | - When a non-existent postIndate is entered - When it is a request to receive a piece of mail that has already been received | ReceiveAdminPostItemV2 ReceiveUserPostItem |
404 | NotFoundException | - When there is no product registered in BACKND Console | GetProductList |
404 | NotFoundException | - When there is an attempt to purchase a non-existent item | ChargeGameCashByApple BuyProduct |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the uuid does not exist - When the ranking does not exist | GetOtherGuildLeaderboardPlace GetMyLeaderboard GetMyLeaderboard GetLeaderboard GetLeaderboardByScore GetLeaderboardReward GetAllLeaderboards GetOtherPlayerLeaderboardPlace UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard |
404 | NotFoundException | - When there is an attempt to look up with a uuid that has no reward | GetLeaderboardReward |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the gamerIndate does not exist - When a friend request was not made to the corresponding user | KickGuildMember DeclineGuildJoinRequest CancelFriendRequest |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the corresponding gamerIndate is not a friend | RejectFriendRequest |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the InDate or guild name is not entered | GetGuildCurrency GetGuildInDateByGuildName |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the tableName does not exist | Delete DeleteV2 Get GetV2 GetMyData GetRandomGuildInfoV3 GetRandomUserInfo Insert Update UpdateWithCalculation UpdateV2 UpdateWithCalculationV2 |
404 | NotFoundException | - When your rank does not exist - When the user does not exist in the ranking | GetMyLeaderboard GetOtherPlayerLeaderboardPlace |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the platform version is not registered | GetPlatformLatestVersion |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the coupon has expired - When a serial coupon that is prohibited from duplicate use is used again | UseCoupon |
404 | NotFoundException | - When a gamer attempts to redeem a single coupon more than once | UseCoupon |
404 | NotFoundException | - When the recovery rate of a single coupon is 100% | UseCoupon |
404 | ResourceNotFoundException | - When a non-existent method name is called | InvokeFunction |
405 | MethodNotAllowedParameterException | - When the eight fields(partition, gamer_id, inDate, updatedAt, sender, receiver, reservationDate, and owner_inDate) are included in param | UpdateWithCalculation Update UpdateWithCalculationV2 UpdateV2 |
405 | MethodNotAllowedParameterException | - When the recipient's messages are full | SendMessage |
408 | ECONNABORTED | - When a timeout error occurs in the server(up to 20 seconds) | Common Server Error Cases |
408 | Timeout | - When a timeout error occurs in the SDK(the period set in SDK is passed. default: 100 seconds) | Common Server Error Cases |
409 | DuplicatedParameterException | - When it is a request to join the same guild again | RequestGuildJoin |
409 | DuplicatedParameterException | - When there is a duplicated customId | CustomSignUp |
409 | DuplicatedParameterException | When another friend request is made to someone after already sending a friend request | SendFriendRequest |
409 | DuplicatedParameterException | - When there is an attempt to change the custom ID that is already signed up as a federation account | ChangeToSocialMediaAccount |
409 | DuplicatedParameterException | - When there is an attempt to create a guild with a duplicated guild name | CreateGuild |
409 | DuplicatedParameterException | - When there is a duplicated nickname | CheckDisplayNameDuplicate CreateNickname ChangeDisplayName |
409 | DuplicatedParameterException | - When the receipt for an already used or canceled subscription product is verified | ValidateGooglePlayStoreReceipt |
409 | UsedReceipt | - Already used receipt token | ChargeGameCashByApple ValidateAppStoreReceipt ValidateGooglePlayStoreReceipt |
410 | GoneResourceException | - When the refresh_token has expired after one year | AutoSignIn ReSignIn |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the number of characters in the content is greater than the number set in the console | SendMessage |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the guild name conditions are not met | CreateGuild |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the old guild is looked up - When a user in the old guild looks up | GetGuildInfo GetMyGuildInfo |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When there is an attempt to modify/delete a deactivated table - When there is an attempt to insert/load into a deactivated tableName | Delete DeleteV2 Get GetV2 GetMyData Insert Update UpdateWithCalculation UpdateV2 UpdateWithCalculationV2 |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When there is an attempt to use goods more than the amount owned by the guild | UseGoodsV3 UseGuildGoods |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the user is already in a guild | RequestGuildJoin ApproveGuildJoinRequest CreateGuild |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the friend list of the person who received the request is full | AcceptFriendRequest |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the friend list of the person who sent the request is full | AcceptFriendRequest |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the recipient's requests are full | SendFriendRequest |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the sender's requests are full | SendFriendRequest |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the guild master attempts to withdraw from the guild but there are guild members remaining | WithdrawGuild |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When a user who has not joined a guild calls the method | UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateGuildInfoAndRefreshLeaderboard GetMyGuildCurrency GetMyGuildInfo UseGoodsV3 UseGuildGoods |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When a user who has not joined the guild attempts to change the metadata or withdraw | UpdateGuildInfo WithdrawGuild |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the amount is a negative number | ContributeGoodsV3 |
412 | PreconditionFailed | - When the amount is a positive number | UseGoodsV3 |
413 | ServerErrorException | - When the size of data to be inserted or updated exceeds 400 KB - When one row(group of columns) exceeds 400 KB | Insert Update UpdateWithCalculation UpdateV2 UpdateWithCalculationV2 |
428 | Precondition Required | - When there is an attempt to update an expired one-time ranking - When there is an attempt to update the ranking during UTC +9 04:00 - 05:00(4 am - 5 am in Korean time) | UpdateMyDataAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateMyGuildCurrencyAndRefreshLeaderboard UpdateGuildInfoAndRefreshLeaderboard |
429 | ProvisionThroughputExceededException | - When the database quota is exceeded | Common Server Error Cases |
429 | ProvisionThroughputUpdatingException | - When the database quota is being updated | Common Server Error Cases |
429 | Too Many Request | - When the number of guild members is already more than 100 | RequestGuildJoin ApproveGuildJoinRequest |
429 | Too Many Request | - When there is an attempt to find ID or password more than 5 times using the same information within 24 hours | FindAccountIdByEmail SendResetPasswordByEmailEmail |
429 | Too Many Request | - When you send more than 50 pieces of mail a day | SendPost |
500 | ServerErrorException | - When the Operation Policy is not registered | GetPolicy |
500 | InternalServerError | - When the server is temporarily overloaded | Common Server Error Cases |
500 | InternalServerError | - When the server is temporarily overloaded | Common Server Error Cases |
502 | BadGateway | - When the server is temporarily overloaded | Common Server Error Cases |
503 | ETIMEDOUT | - When the request takes a long time | Common Server Error Cases |
503 | Service Temporarily Unavailable | - When the server is not working properly | Common Server Error Cases |
ParseException | - When there is an attempt to convert empty data to param - When there is an attempt to convert the JSON data without a child to Param | Parse |