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Version: 5.9.6


public BackendReturnObject FindCustomID(string EmailAddress);


EmailAddressstringEmail address entered in advance


When a custom user forgets the ID or wants to initialize the password, the user can find the ID and initialize the password using the email that was registered in advance.

  • For more information on how to register an email, refer to the UpdateCustomEmail method.
  • The template of the email to be sent to the user can be set in Console > Game Operation Management > Find Account Information.
  • The address of the email to be sent is, and the sender is the project name.
  • For each email account, a user can find their ID up to 5 times and initialize the password up to 5 times within 24 hours.

Information of all registered IDs will be delivered via email.
The email, with its title and content, is sent in the order of the country code of the person with the earliest sign-up date from the users with email address registrations.





Backend.BMember.FindCustomID("", (callback) =>
// Post-process


SendQueue.Enqueue(Backend.BMember.FindCustomID, "", (callback) =>
// Post-process

Return cases

Success cases

When the email is sent successfully
statusCode : 204

Error cases

When special characters have been added to the project name(notification email is not sent, and an error occurs)
statusCode : 400
errorCode : InvalidParameterValue

When the gamer with the given email does not exist
statusCode : 404
errorCode : NotFoundException

When the ID was attempted to be found more than 5 times with the same email information within 24 hours
statusCode : 429
errorCode : Too Many Request