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Version: 5.9.6


public ExceptionEventHandler OnException;


eExceptionThrown exception


This event is called when an exception occurs in BACKND Chat.
The event may occur due to the following situations:

  • When an exception occurs while receiving and processing a message sent from the server
  • When an exception occurs within the event handler written by the developer
Exceptions that occur in BACKND SDK 5.0.3 and earlier
  • The following exception is called in the OnException event handler upon entering a channel with BACKND SDK 5.0.3 or earlier versions.
  • System.NotSupportedException : Specified method is not supported.
  • Upgrade to BACKND SDK 5.0.4 or later versions when such exceptions occur.
  • Example

    Backend.Chat.OnException += (Exception e)  => {
    // TODO