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Version: 5.15.0

Tutorial project

This project provides functions from BACKND Base to aid in the development of games and testing with BACKND's functions.
It was developed with Unity 2022.3.20f1 and Backend-5.15.0.

Unity package file

BACKND Base functions

This project includes all functions of BACKND Base aside from those that require external setup.
Functions that are not included in the tutorial can be seen below, and you can check them in the example BACKND game.

Functions not provided in the tutorial

GPGS loginFederation sign-up and login using GPGS login token
Apple loginFederation sign-up and login using Apple login token
1:1 inquiry1:1 inquiry, look up inquiry list
Push messageActivate/deactivate push messages
Receipt verificationVerify purchase receipts of ad-removal items

How to use

1. Import the package file and open the scene

Import BackendTutorial.unitypackage, then double-click ExampleScene in Assets > Scenes.

2. Enter the Client App ID

Copy the Client App ID and Signature Key from Server Settings > Authentication in BACKND Console.

Navigate to The Backend > Edit Settings from the Unity menu bar. Paste the Client App ID and Signature Key to the corresponding fields in the inspector panel.

3. Run the project and log in.

Press the Run button in Unity. Enter the ID in the ID/PW box on top of the game screen to log in or sign up.

This project uses the same value for ID and password; its logic automatically attempts sign-up with the entered ID and password if login fails.

After logging in, your inDate, nickname, and UID (for coupon) will show up on the top right.

4-1. Test a lookup-type method

Click Game Operation Management > Announcement List Lookup method; this is a typical lookup (call)-type method.

Enter the number of announcements (limit) to call. Then, press the Run button.

A UI showing the result is created when the method is run. This UI displays the JSON values that are returned by the method by parsing them.

4-2. Test an insert-type method

Click Game Information Management > Insert Game Information; this is a typical insert (create, modify)-type method.

Click one of Add String Data, Add List Data, or Add Dictionary Data and add data.

A UI showing the result is created when the method is run. This UI displays the JSON values that are returned by the method by parsing them.

The result below shows a success; the unique value (inDate) of the generated data is returned. You can find the created data in BACKND Console.

On failure, a 4xx or 5xx error message is printed with the statusCode, errorCode, and errorMessage.