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Probability Management

Probability is a function that allows developers to upload a probability file in which the percentage of each row is specified to BACKND Console, as well as receive, and utilize the result derived with the corresponding probability through the BACKND SDK.
For example, you can create a probability table for each item and use it to implement probability-based items in your game.

Probability file upload conditions

  • The "id" column cannot be used as it is a reserved key.
  • The probability file must have only one sheet.
  • Column names in the probability file can only contain uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. It cannot contain spaces.
  • A "percent" column must exist in the uploaded probability file.
  • The probability values in the "percent" column of the probability file must add up to 100%.
  • The "percent" value of the probability file can contain decimals.

Probability and probability files

You can also check the current number of added probability/files.
You can create up to 200 probability and upload up to 600 probability files.

Apply probability files

Even if you have uploaded a probability file, You cannot import it from within the SDK unless you click the Apply Probability File button on the upper section of the page.
Be sure to click the Apply Probability File button to apply the uploaded file after selecting it.

Modify probability files

Probability files cannot be edited in BACKND Console.