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Ranking Rewards

If you have registered rewards for rankings, ranking reward mail is sent to each user when the rankings are reset.
You can check sent mail in the Send Mail > Ranking Rewards tab.

Ranking rewards mail title

The titles for ranking rewards are created according to the following rules:

  • {Ranking name} Rewards ({Start of ranking bracket - End of ranking bracket}) e.g.) Power Ranking Rewards (1 - 1000), Guild Battle Ranking Rewards (2000 - 4000)

Rewards for all are created according to the following rules:

  • {Ranking name} Rewards (All users) e.g.) Power Ranking Rewards (All users)

Sent ranking rewards mail

Click on the name of the ranking reward to view the following information:

  • Mail title
  • Name of the chart used to hand out the ranking reward
  • Information on items handed out as the reward
  • Number of items handed out as the reward
  • Members who received the mail

    Only users who received the reward are displayed on the list.

Note on receiving mail containing guild ranking rewards

Users who look up guild ranking reward mail after leaving the guild cannot claim the rewards.

  • When users leave the guild, they cannot look up or claim rewards even if they are subject to those rewards
  • They can claim the rewards after leaving the guild if they have looked up the rewards and have not claimed them before leaving the guild :::