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1:1 Inquiry

You can manage registered inquiries using the BACKND SDK 1:1 function in BACKND Console.
For SDK method calls, please refer to the developer documentation - 1:1 inquiry.

  • You must use SDK version 5.11.0 or later to look up country and language information.

Check inquiries

You can check the content of the inquiry by clicking on it.

  • The file attached to the inquiry can be downloaded by clicking it.
  • You must use SDK version 5.11.0 or later to look up country and language information.

Add inquiry answers

Enter a text in the Answer field and press Confirm to add the answer.
Once the answer is added, the status is changed to Answered.

Inquiry settings

Among the commands on the upper section of the page, press Inquiry Settings to configure the default template for inquiries.
The content is entered by default into the description of the in-game BACKND 1:1 inquiry function.

  • Inquiry settings for each language can be used in SDK version 5.11.0 or later.

Delete inquiries

You can delete an inquiry by pressing the Delete button on the upper section of the page.