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Coupon Management

Administrators can generate coupon codes from the console and provide them to users.
Please check the client functions through Coupon Management.

Register coupons

You can create a new coupon by clicking the Issue Coupon button on the upper section of the page.
Coupons can be created as either serial or single coupons depending on the selection of the Coupon Classification.

  • Coupon name can consist of up to 20 characters.
  • The validity period can be set in 30-minute increments.
  • The default start time for the validity period is N:30 or N:00 closest to the current time.(E.g.: If the current time is 14:08, the default is set to 14:30)
  • Up to 50,000 coupons can be issued at maximum.

Serial coupons

If you set the Coupon Classification as Serial in the coupon creation window, you can select whether or not to Allow Duplicates.
If Allow Duplicates is set to Allow, one account can use multiple serial coupons within the same coupon. If set to Not Allowed, serial coupons within the same coupon can only be used once per account.

Single coupons

If you set the Coupon Classification as Single in the coupon creation window, you can enter the Coupon Code.
For single coupons, you can create them by directly entering the Coupon Code, and if you check the Generate automatically option, a random coupon code is generated.

  • A combination of 2-16 English, Korean, and numeric characters are allowed for single coupon codes, and English is not case-sensitive.
  • Additionally, if the entered coupon code already exists in another coupon, it cannot be created.

Look up coupons

Click on a coupon's name to see its code and whether it has been used.
Additionally, you can click Download CSV to download it.

Serial coupons

Single coupons

Delete coupons

You can delete a coupon by pressing the Delete button on the upper section of the page after selecting the coupon.