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This documentation explains how you can deploy the project created by a developer to the server.
Projects can be deployed to the server using BACKND CLI.
For deployment, you must first build a project via the Build Documentation.

'deploy' commands

You can deploy methods to the server by configuring a file directly or with the build output configured in config.json.

Deploy the build output configured in config.json with the method name set in config.json backend deploy

Deploy the build output configured in config.json with the desired method name backend deploy Desired method name

Deploy the desired method name by configuring the build file manually backend deploy Desired method name Absolute path of the build file

If the description(method description) is long, the back part will be displayed as "..." and when it is actually deployed, the entire description will be uploaded normally, including the truncated part.
The description can be set using the backend config command.

Return cases

When method deployment is successful
success to deploy the function StatusCode : 200
message : OK

If an invalid authKey is set in config.json
statusCode : 403
message : The remote Server returned an error:(403) Forbidden

When a Korean character is included in the method name
statusCode : 400
message : The remote server returned an error:(400) Bad Request.