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Version: 5.11.6


public bool OpenQuestionView(string questionAuthorize, string myIndate, int left, int top, int right, int bottom);


questionAuthorize1:1 inquiry authentication key value(Return value for Backend.Question.GetQuestionAuthorize())
myIndateLogged in user's user inDate(own inDate)
leftLength of left margin of generated 1:1 inquiry window(Default = 0)
topLength of top margin of generated 1:1 inquiry window(Default = 0)
rightLength of right margin of generated 1:1 inquiry window(Default = 0)
bottomLength of bottom margin of generated 1:1 inquiry window(Default = 0)


Displays the 1:1 inquiry window on the screen.
The layout of the inquiry window sits above the Unity activity(Unity UI object).
This function has only a synchronous method, and the result is returned as a bool depending on whether it was successful.

The Android version must call Backend.Support.Android.OpenQuestionView(), and the iOS version must call Backend.Support.iOS.OpenQuestionView().



BackEnd.Support.Android.Question.OpenQuestionView(string questionAuthorize, string myIndate, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) -> bool
BackEnd.Support.iOS.Question.OpenQuestionView(string questionAuthorize, string myIndate, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) -> bool

// example

BackendReturnObject bro = Backend.Question.GetQuestionAuthorize();
string questionAuthorize = bro.GetReturnValuetoJSON()["authorize"].ToString();

BackendReturnObject bro2 = Backend.BMember.GetUserInfo();
string myIndate = bro2.GetReturnValuetoJSON()["row"]["inDate"].ToString();

bool isQuestionViewOpen = false;

// Create a 1:1 inquiry window with a margin of 10.
isQuestionViewOpen = BackEnd.Support.Android.Question.OpenQuestionView(questionAuthorize, myIndate, 10, 10, 10, 10);
isQuestionViewOpen = BackEnd.Support.iOS.Question.OpenQuestionView(questionAuthorize, myIndate, 10, 10, 10, 10);

Debug.Log("1:1 inquiry window created");