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Admin Account Management

Super admins and general admins

  • Super admin: An account in the form of an email registered in BACKND. GNB (top right) drop-down menus and notification functions are only available to super admin accounts.
  • Admin: An administrator account created by the super admin. Can access selected projects by permission role set by the super admin.

Admin account management

You can set admin accounts via the drop-down menu → Admin Account Management menu at the upper section of BACKND (GNB).

Admin login URL settings

First, you must create an admin account login URL.

The URL can be a combination of 3-12 alphanumeric characters, and it cannot start with a number.
Admins can log in through that URL only.

Create/modify general admin accounts

  • You can create up to 25 admin accounts.
  • When creating/editing admins, you can assign them to projects they will oversee.
  • The created roles are granted to admins in the Role tab.
    (5 basic roles are provided at the beginning.)
  • Admins can only use the functions included in their granted roles.
    (They will only see the menus they can access upon logging into the console with their admin accounts.)
  • As for the permission to open price information, you can separately grant them regardless of roles. An admin can access all prices of projects they have permission to.
    (You cannot selectively grant access to some of the projects that belong to a specific permission.)

Admin login

Admin accounts can only log in through the dedicated login URL set by the super admin.

When creating announcements and events, the nickname of the logged-in admin is registered as the author.

Create/modify roles

  • What are roles?
    You can customize permissions for each function to create roles and grant roles to accounts.
  • 5 basic roles are provided.
  • You can create up to 15 roles.
  • You can define the BACKND Console menus accessible by admins according to each role.
  • Created roles can be applied when creating or modifying admin accounts.

Basic admin roles

5 basic roles are provided.

Delete roles

Deleting roles may temporarily reset the role of admins.
After deleting or modifying roles, refresh the admin's BACKND Console web page before continuing.