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Version: SDK-5.11.2

Common Server Error Cases

The following is the information on error cases that may occur in all BACKND functions requested to the server, and the BackendReturnObject information returned when such errors occur.

Note on exception handling for errors

statusCode and errorCode may have different error cases with the same codes.
It is recommended that you handle exceptions using 'message' after they have been handled through 'status' and errorCode.

When undergoing exception handling for 'message,' please use Contains(inclusion) instead of Equal

When handling exception by using 'message,' please use Contains(inclusion) instead of Equal.

  • When the call/response fails because the network is temporarily unstable
    statusCode : 400
    errorCode : HttpRequestException
    message : An error occurred while sending the request(2)
    Error getting response stream(ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure
    Exception handling provider method: IsClientRequestFailError

  • When the device information cannot be found
    statusCode : 400
    errorCode : UndefinedParameterException
    message : undefined device_unique_id, device_unique_id cannot be checked

  • When the Google hash keys of the client(game) and the server(BACKND Console) do not match in an Android OS environment
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad google_hash, Invalid google_hash

  • When the user's Access Token is wrong or expired(upon login) \<Refer to the link>
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad accessToken, Invalid accessToken
    Only applies to BMember.CustomLogin, BMember.CustomSignUp, BMember.AuthorizeFederation, BMember.LoginWithTheBackendToken, and BMember. RefreshTheBackend.Token methods.
    Exception handling provider method: IsBadAccessTokenError

  • When the user's Access Token is wrong or expired(upon calling functions other than login)
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad bad,accessToken,,Invalid accessToken, Invalid bad, accessToken,, Invalid accessToken
    Exception handling provider method: IsBadAccessTokenError

  • When the signatures of the client(game) and the server(BACKND Console) do not match
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad signature, Invalid signature

  • When the server and the client time have a difference of 10 minutes or more based on UTC +9(Korean time)
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad client_date, Invalid client_date

  • When the project status in BACKND Console is 'Maintenance'(upon login)
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad serverStatus: maintenance, Invalid serverStatus: maintenance
    Only applies to BMember.CustomLogin, BMember.CustomSignUp, BMember.AuthorizeFederation, BMember.LoginWithTheBackendToken, and BMember. RefreshTheBackendToken methods.

  • When the project status in BACKND Console is 'Maintenance'(upon calling functions other than login)
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad bad,serverStatus:,maintenance,,Invalid serverStatus:,maintenance, Invalid bad,serverStatus:,maintenance,,Invalid serverStatus:,maintenance
    Exception handling provider method: IsMaintenanceError

  • When excessive requests have been detected
    This error occurs when at least 1 call per second has been detected from the same IP address.
    A client with this error cannot send requests for five minutes.
    statusCode : 403
    errorCode : Forbidden
    message : 403 Forbidden(the same error code as below)
    Exception handling provider method: IsTooManyRequestError

<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>

  • When a request is sent during the restricted period after detecting excessive requests
    statusCode : 403
    errorCode : Forbidden
    message : 403 Forbidden by Local
    Exception handling provider method: IsTooManyRequestError

  • When you try to sign up/log in to an account with more than 10 users while the server setting in BACKND Console is in test mode
    statusCode : 403
    errorCode : ForbiddenException
    message : Forbidden Active User(user who logged in successfully) exceed 10., There are more than 10 forbidden active users(users who logged in successfully).

  • When attempting to log in from a blocked device
    statusCode : 403
    errorCode : ForbiddenException
    message : Forbidden blocked device, Blocked device

  • When a timeout error occurs in the server(up to 20 seconds)
    statusCode : 408
    errorCode : ECONNABORTED
    message : timeout error

  • When a timeout error occurs in the SDK(the period set in SDK is passed. default: 100 seconds)
    statusCode : 408
    errorCode : Timeout
    message : timeout error(n)
    1 - 5 can be printed for 'n.'

  • When the provided capacity in development mode is expired
    statusCode : 424
    errorCode : FailedDependency
    message : Failed Dependency

  • When the database quota is exceeded
    statusCode : 429
    errorCode : ProvisionThroughputExceededException
    message : ProvisionThroughputExceededException

  • When the database quota is being updated
    statusCode : 429
    errorCode : ProvisionThroughputUpdatingException
    message : ProvisionThroughputUpdatingException

  • When the server is temporarily overloaded
    statusCode : 500
    errorCode : InternalServerError
    message: {"message":"Request failed with status code 502"} or {"message":"Request failed with status code 504"}
    Exception handling provider method: IsServerError

  • When the server is temporarily overloaded
    statusCode : 502
    errorCode : BadGateway
    message : 502 Bad Gateway(the same error code as below)
    Exception handling provider method: IsServerError
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>

  • When the request takes a long time
    statusCode : 503
    errorCode : ETIMEDOUT
    message : Response timeout
    In the case of loading data with complex 'where' clauses or randomly loading users from a table with many pieces of data, the searching process may take too long, resulting in the occurrence of this error.
    Exception handling provider method: IsServerError

  • When the server is not working properly
    statusCode : 503
    errorCode : Service Temporarily Unavailable
    message : 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
    Exception handling provider method: IsServerError

Error cases that occur when upgrading to SDK 5.7.0 or later

  • When information is not updated fully after the 5.7.0 version update
    statusCode : 410
    errorCode : GoneGoneResourceExceptionResourceException
    message : Gone Gone Please proceed with the login process again, Gone. Please proceed with the login process again
    When an error above occurs, call login methods as shown below to update the information and prevent the error from occurring in the future.
    • Backend.BMember.CustomLogin
    • Backend.BMember.GuestLogin
    • Backend.BMember.AuthorizeFederation
    • Backend.BMember.LoginWithTheBackendToken
    • Backend.BMember.RefreshTheBackendToken

Error cases that occur only in SDK versions 5.1.0 or earlier

  • When the Param value of the method requested to the BACKND server has float/double type data of 14 digits or more(including whole numbers and decimal places)
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad bad,signature,,Invalid signature, Invalid bad, signature,, Invalid signature

  • When the Param value of the method requested to the BACKND server has Dictionary type data of depth 4 or higher
    statusCode : 401
    errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException
    message : bad bad,signature,,Invalid signature, Invalid bad, signature,, Invalid signature