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Version: 5.15.0


public BackendReturnObject IsGameRoomActivate();


This is a function to check whether there is a game in progress for a user.
When there is a game that can be reconnected to, it returns the server address, server port, match type, match mode type, and room token of that game.





Backend.Match.IsGameRoomActivate(callback =>


SendQueue.Enqueue(Backend.Match.IsGameRoomActivate, callback =>

Return cases

Success cases

When there is a game that can be reconnected to
statusCode : 200 ReturnValue : refer to GetReturnValuetoJSON

Error cases

When there is no game that can be reconnected to
statusCode : 404
errorCode : NotFoundError


serverPublicHostName : { "In-game server address" }
serverPort : { "In-game server port" }
roomToken : { "Room token" }
matchType : { "1" }, // You must typecast the string value as byte, and then typecast it as MatchType.
matchModeType : { "1" }, // You must typecast the string value as byte, and then typecast it as MatchModeType.
enable_sandbox_mode : { true }, // Whether the established matching is in sandbox mode
match_card_inDate : { "MatchingCard Indate" } // Matching card inDate of the established matching
serverPublicHostName: [string],
serverPort: [string],
roomToken : [string],
matchType: [string],
matchModeType: [string],
enable_sandbox_mode: [bool],
match_card_inDate: [string]