public MatchMakingLeaveUserInRoomEventHandler OnMatchMakingRoomLeave;
Value | Type | Description |
args | MatchMakingGamerInfoInRoomEventArgs | Information on users who left the waiting room |
Value | Type | Description |
ErrInfo | ErrorCode | Error information |
Reason | string | Error description |
UserInfo | MatchMakingUserInfo | Information on users who left the waiting room |
This event is called when a user leaves the waiting room.
- It is called when the user leaves the room.
- It is also called when other users leave the room.
- It is also called when a user is kicked out of the waiting room.
- When the host leaves the waiting room and the room expires as a result, the following event is called:
- Exit event of the host is called.
- The user's own exit event is not called.
In order for an event to be called, the message sending/receiving method must be called.
Backnd.Match.OnMatchMakingRoomLeave = (MatchMakingGamerInfoInRoomEventArgs args) => {
Argument cases
When I leave or another user leaves
ErrInfo : ErrorCode.Success
UserInfo : information on the user who left
When a user tries to leave the waiting room while matching is in progress(exit fails)
ErrInfo : ErrorCode.InvalidOperation
Reason : In-progress matchmaking.
When I am kicked out or another user is kicked out
ErrInfo : ErrorCode.Match_Making_KickedByOwner
UserInfo : information on the user who was kicked out