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Version: 5.11.4


public BackendReturnObject InvokeFunction(string funcName, Param body);


funcNamestringMethod name to be called
bodyParamData to be passed as the parameter value of the method


Executes the BACKND Function deployed in the server.



Param param = new Param();
param.Add("value", "HelloWorld");

Backend.BFunc.InvokeFunction("funcName", param);


Param param = new Param();
param.Add("value", "HelloWorld");

Backend.BFunc.InvokeFunction("funcName", param, (callback) =>
// Post-process


Param param = new Param();
param.Add("value", "HelloWorld");

SendQueue.Enqueue(Backend.BFunc.InvokeFunction, "funcName", param, (callback) =>
// Post-process

Return casess

Success cases

When the method is called successfully
statusCode : 200
errorCode : Success returnValue : { result: {''} }

When the method is called successfully but an error occurs in BACKND Function It will be returned as a success even if an error occurs in BACKND Function.
The developer must process success/failure in BACKND Function separately by processing the returnValue again.

statusCode : 200
errorCode : Success returnValue : { result: {''} }

Error cases

When a Korean character is included in the method name
statusCode : 400
errorCode : BadParameterException

When an incorrect BACKND Function authorization key is entered in Unity
statusCode : 401
errorCode : BadUnauthorizedException

When a non-existent method name is called
statusCode : 404
errorCode : ResourceNotFoundException