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Real-time Notifications

Real time notification is a function that generates an event in real time to encourage users to check it immediately.

For real-time notifications, events are called in the following situations:

Related console guide: Server Management - Social - Real-time Notifications
Related SDK developer documentation: Real-time Notifications - Connecting to Real-time Notification Server

User events

  • User function
    • Notify whether a specific user is connected
  • Friend functions
    • Notify when friend request is received
    • Notify when friend request sent to another user is accepted
    • Notify when friend request sent to another user is declined
    • Notify when a friend user is connected to the game
    • Notify when a friend user closes the game
  • Guild functions
    • Notify when a new join request is made to guild managers
    • Notify when guild join request is approved
    • Notify when guild join request is declined
  • Message function
    • Notify when new message arrives
  • User mail function
    • Notify when user mail arrives

Console events

  • Announcement function
    • Notify announcement registration
  • Event function
    • Notify event registration
  • Project status
    • Notify change of project status to on, off, or maintenance
  • Admin mail function
    • Notify when admin mail arrives