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Chart Management

Unlike game information, charts are data that all users can look up.
If the developer uploads a chart to BACKND Console and applies it, users can access it through the server.

You can use this feature to create and upload an item chart file, then load the item list from the in-game store and print out the data.

You can create up to 200 charts and 600 chart files, all of which can be easily modified in the console.

Related console guide: BACKND Base - Chart Management
Related SDK developer documentation: Chart Management - Looking up Charts

Looking up charts

Provides a feature to look up charts registered in BACKND Console from the SDK.
This chart is data from the Excel file uploaded to and applied in the chart management section of BACKND Console.

Saving charts

Provides a feature to load the chart registered in BACKND Console from the SDK and save it locally on the device.
The chart is saved locally on the device using the BACKND file system feature.
This chart is data from the Excel file uploaded to and applied in the chart management section of BACKND Console.